Thursday, October 1, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
If you want to know more:
My other blogs are:
Addresses to the major religions of the world:
A common look into Islam:
Related to Islam & today's mulims:
The answer to Athiesm though Science: http://www.harunyahya.comh/
Addresses to the major religions of the world:
A common look into Islam:
Related to Islam & today's mulims:
The answer to Athiesm though Science: http://www.harunyahya.comh/
There is a God. Read it: "Don't think that I am a creationist nor evolutionist"
Assume that we both don't believe in God. And also assume that we both are grown up enough to judge between right & wrong...
I personally feel to say that, I don't and will not accept something which is not logically fit. If I believe in God, I will test him through various ways and finalize him before I bow him in worship.
The same as me, read and completely finish this article before you feel bored. The time you spent here might be greater than all thats going to be.
Astronomy is not a simple subject to write about. It is a vast field which deals with one half of the complete science. The science is divided in two major categories. One is terrestrial and the other, celestial. It has the subjects as we study in this terrestrial science; we have them as well in celestial too such as the chemistry, biology of the universe… etc. Besides, physics also divided in to two: Classical physics (a branch of physics that were developed before the year 1900) & Modern physics.
Most of us are still doing old fashioned physics, confirming that yet we know not the richness of all the phenomena in them. Today after reaching this complexity in the technology, hoping to build a theory named Theory of Everything which will make other theories and formulae as a trivial thing later in this universe. There are hundreds of theories in physics alone so far. Some are hypothesis and others being facts. Whatever are facts are applicable to the universe though they are not called Universal so-and-so as Newton called his universal gravitational law as it is.
Therefore I am not going to go deep into any of these topics, what I will try under this heading is just to touch with my topic. To say what I wanted so as to show you something from the proved physics so far.
To open this topic I will tell you some questions. “Do you have any use of your pencil?, Do you have any use of the spectacle you are wearing? Do you have any use of what you are studying? Yes … If so, Can there be any purpose, or use of this universe? Is there any use of you being in this world? What is your purpose here?” or in short. “What are you doing in here?”
Well! Good questions worthy enough to be answered. The answer predictable now can be either way. The answer yet is based on two hypotheses. Some says there is not and others oppositely yes. Most among them rely on the basis that there was a beginning. Now let us proceed with science – Astronomy and justify from what we know that whether it has a beginning or not: according to what you understand.
Introduction to Modern Astronomy:
Most of us believe that Aristotle (384 – 322) B.C. was the first who thought about the universe in a practical wise and his thinking is still used when we study about astronomy. Aristotle was not a scientist and most probably in that age there were no such name as science. However he was a thinker, a philosopher. His prediction about the earth was that the earth is at the centre of the universe around which all other stars and planets are moving. Ptolmy further corrected this idea of Aristotle. In Ptolemaic cosmology, a small circle, the center of which moves on the circumference of a larger circle at whose center is the earth and the circumference of which describes the orbit of one of the planets around the earth. Ptolmy in his book, called the "Almagest" (literally, "The Greatest") in the year 150 A.D., he mentioned about the universe as follows:
1. All motion in the heavens is uniform circular motion.
2. The objects in the heavens are made from perfect material, and cannot change their intrinsic properties (e.g., their brightness).
3. The Earth is at the center of the Universe.
After the fall of Rome, European astronomy was largely dormant, but significant work was carried out by the Muslims and the Hindus. It was by way of Arabic translations that Greek astronomy reached medieval Europe. One of the great landmarks of the revival of learning in Europe was the publication (1543) by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) of his De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres). For the first time a correct understanding in the mechanics and the structure of the solar system was explored.
For most of the existence of our species on this planet, mankind has believed that our home, the Earth, was located at the center of the universe. This hypothesis was first put forward by the Aristotle. Copernicus's theory and the Scientific Method finally displaced this strongly held geocentric view with the humbler but more realistic perspective that we are no place special in the universe. What is his principle? His principle in cosmology is that “the Earth is not in a central, specially favoured position.” The assertion that the earth is not the center of the universe was to have profound philosophical and religious consequences. Copernicus also determined the sidereal periods (time for one revolution around the sun) of the planets and their distance from the sun relative to the sun-earth distance. This was the first step that ultimately leads to the Einstein’s theory of relativity.
After the Copernicus, the next most profound astronomer was Kepler. Older than Kepler a great astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546–1601) was principally an observer; a conservative in matters of theory, he rejected the notion that the earth moves. At his death his records passed to Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), who had been his last assistant. Kepler spent nearly a decade trying to fit Tycho's observations, particularly of Mars, into an improved system of heliocentric circular motion. At last, he conceived the idea that the orbit of Mars was an ellipse with the sun at one focus. This led him to the three laws of planetary motion that bear his name. His major three Laws of planetary motions are:
1. "The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus."
2. "A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time."
3. "The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit."
In the same age, the astronomer, Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) made fundamental discoveries in both astronomy and physics; he is perhaps best described as the founder of modern science. Galileo was the first to make astronomical use of the telescope. His discoveries of the four largest moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus were persuasive evidence for the Copernican cosmology. His discoveries of craters on the moon and blemishes on the sun (sunspots) discredited the ancient belief in the perfection of the heavens. These findings were announced in The Sidereal Messenger, a small book published in 1610. Galileo's Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World (1632) was an eloquent argument for the Copernican system over the Ptolemaic. However, Galileo was called before the Inquisition and forced to renounce publicly all doctrines considered contrary to Scripture.
Nearly 100 years after, Isaac Newton (1642–1727), possibly the greatest scientific genius of all time, succeeded in uniting the sciences of astronomy and physics. His laws of motion and theory of universal gravitation provided a physical, dynamic basis for the merely descriptive laws of Kepler. Until well into the 19th cent., all progress in astronomy was essentially an extension of Newton's work. Edmond Halley's prediction that the comet of 1682 would return in 1758 was refined by A. C. Clairault, who included the perturbing effects of Jupiter and Saturn on the orbit to calculate the nearly exact date of the return of the comet.
Newton’s three laws of motions:
1. Every object in the universe stays at rest or continues its state of motion unless an external force is acted upon it.
2. Force is directly proportional to the product of mass and acceleration.
3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
After Newton, this science is greatly developed at the age when the rapid changes of the world’s development were seen. Since early 1800s the astronomy was developed further. The science of celestial mechanics had reached a highly developed state at the hands of Leonhard Euler, J. L. Lagrange, P. S. Laplace, and others. Powerful new mathematical techniques allowed solution of most of the remaining problems in classical gravitational theory as applied to the solar system. In 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres, the first of many asteroids. When Ceres was lost to view, C. F. Gauss applied the advanced gravitational techniques to compute the position where the asteroid was subsequently rediscovered. In 1838, F. W. Bessel made the first measurement of the distance to a star; using the method of parallax with the earth's orbit as a baseline, he determined the distance of the star 61 Cygni to be 60 trillion mi (about 10 light-years), a figure later shown to be 40% too large.
The next remarkable personality adding up here includes the Christian Andreas Doppler (29 November 1803 – 17 March 1853), an Austrian mathematician and physicist who found that there is a change in frequency and the wavelength for an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. The Doppler Effect or Doppler shift for electromagnetic waves such as light is of great use in astronomy and results in either a red shift or blue shift. It has been used to measure the speed at which stars and galaxies are approaching or receding from us, that is, the radial velocity. This is used to detect if an apparently single star is, in reality, a close binary and even to measure the rotational speed of stars and galaxies
The Debate Arises: Expanding for Surely

In 1929, Edwin Hubble published his conclusion, based on his observations of Cepheid variable stars in distant galaxies that the universe was expanding. From then on, the beginning of the universe and its possible end has been the subjects of serious scientific investigation.
The numerous experiments of an American well known astronomer, Edwin Hubble using his telescope proved that the universe is expanding. How? Well the answer to this question is based on the red-shift and the blue-shift. In short what we call them “The Doppler Effect”.
An indication of a blue-shift: The star/planet is coming towards us
An indication of a red-shift: The star/planet is receding from us.
While he was looking from his telescope, he found that the planets and stars are moving away from us, which means expending with respect to the earth. But he also observed that this receding planets were not exactly opposite to the earth, but to an angle, some of them even in nearly parallel to the earth while others in different directions, and as according to what I got from my physics Miss while I was doing Advanced Level, understood that even Hubble had seen stars or planets coming towards us too identifying that the earth is not at the centre of the universe. And from which we can conclude that however it moves, if they are moving not exactly away from the earth means with respect to something, though not a particular thing, the planets and stars are moving outward. In other words they tend to the expansion of the universe. Even the observations showed that some of the planets and stars were approaching to us which concludes the arguments of the philosophers of the age of Copernicus, who believed that the earth was in the middle of the universe. In 1573, Nicholas Copernicus was the first who believed that the sun is at the middle of the universe and the planets including the earth was moving in circular orbits around the sun. Of course, Copernicus was not correct. But his prediction was far greater to legacy since before him every one thought that the ‘universe’ is revolving with respect to earth. However if in fact, the experiments of Hubble say so, then definitely the universe is expanding, not respect to the earth, may be with the respect to the centre of the universe.
Time: Can It Be Referred To The Outside Universe…?
We before believed that the 2 dimensional graphs are enough for the day to day life until scientists later invented another dimension. On this earth, we move to & fro, up & down. These 3 dimensions are length, breadth and height. But today’s science had introduced another dimension: the time. However, today’s science talks about many dimensions, which is another science: the science of quantum physics. Coming back to the topic, in fact if the universe is expanding, when in reference with the frame of time or what we now call in the 4th dimensional graph, it must show the opposite direction if we move back in time. In other words the expansion must be from one particular point for which, of course you and I agree. But the question arises here is “what object in this universe has never seen an end so far? And also with respect to what the universe is expanding?”
Answer for the first question is “yet” the universe itself ONLY.
Everything which is in the frame of time, it will get older and older every day. Which means it has an end also had a beginning obviously. Likewise, the universe too has its own reference of time: reason is it is not constant. However, if the Universe is not expanding and the planets are still without movements, then we cannot predict from experiments, that universe had a beginning or it will be perished one day since the universe is static. That means if it is the fact, then science obviously does not work on some parts of the astronomy. But it does move.
Time can be referred to universe only means that before you came to a being, there had been no time of you being counted. Means though God (if there is) had apprenticed you to be here, your time is not being counted unless you are born. Meanly, the universe-born things are counted as “time-running” objects. We are inside the universe and have never gone outside it. Neither can we do a single experiment dealing with the outside universe. Well what you might be thinking now is right absolutely. For something I should not say cannot so easily, but there are certain things that our minds do not work up to. A virtual experiment could be dealt with the outside universe though not likely possible to imagine how the environment is outside the universe. But we know from science that the universe has a diameter of more than 84 billion light years. Can we ever reach there physically? or can we send something beyond that distance ever in our life time? No isn’t it.
Outside the Universe the time doesn’t work or there could be some other way of time counting. How we know that? Answer is simple. There is nothing outside the universe, since universe itself defines as the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm. This means there is a possibility that there exist nothing outside the universe as far human could think. But one scientific argumentation about the universe is does universe has boundary? We do believe that the universe is expanding, which means the universe has an edge but not a boundary upon which it stops, as long as the universe is expanding.
So, if there is a time frame somewhere outside the universe, then the time would be much different from that of us. But still we may assume that the time there too is with respect to light or the speed of light. This is an assumption. We know nothing about the outside universe yet.
Travel Back To the Ages of the Universe: Against Time
So, far we have studied that the universe is expanding and is expandable. Now let us travel back in time. According what we knew, if the universe is expanding, then the universe should be a contracting one if we go against the time. Let us go further. This contraction must go on up to a date that there should be a point mass or what we call - the singularity.
Professor Stephen Hawking, in his “The brief history of time” says “ All of the Friedmann solutions have the feature that at sometime in the past (between 10 and 20 thousand million years ago) the distance between neighboring galaxies must have been zero. At that time, which we call the big bang, the density of the universe and the curvature of the space-time would have been infinite.” This prediction and the discoveries that had been done so far give us the very fact that the universe had a beginning and also it is from an explosion with an inexplicable force. 12 billion years ago there was nothing. No Matter. No Mass. No Time.
Thinking in a physics mind, I can safely say that if the universe happened to contract without losing a mass in to nowhere, then the density of the total universe [that is the total mass content per volume of the universe] increases dramatically. If so, the fact of gravitational attraction within the stars increases and at last the universe becomes one single bulk huge massive mass body. But according to the modern physics, this kind of an object most likely seen is the black holes. Leaving the black hole idea, we understand from physics that the force of attraction of the gravity comes right from the centre of the body of mass. If so, this unimaginable huge mass body should have a huge density so that it may even extend to pull its own surface towards the centre of it leading to again – another singularity.
Now let us think about the characteristics of this singularity hoping that now we are on the day the universe had began. If the density of this point mass is infinite, then it has a property to pull what all which comes to its field of influence. This field also could be extended to very far away depending on its gravitational strength. Now, consider this attraction whatever you may prefer to call. Physics says that this is gravity. What is gravity? It is a form of… ENERGY.
One, who has no experience in physics, may have a chance to ask that those masses might not be at the beginning and the masses have appeared sometimes long ago. But the answer to this question was given in physics by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (26 August 1743 – 8 May 1794)
He says that “the energy can never be created nor be destroyed. But it can be changed from one form in to another form”. This is called the Law of Conservation of Energy. Or the law of conservation of mass/matter, also known as law of mass/matter conservation says that the mass of a closed system will remain constant, regardless of the processes acting inside the system. An equivalent statement is that mass cannot be created/destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space.
The Day without a Yesterday
The idea of big bang came very long way since the beginning of the astrophysics. One of the scientists who thought about this fact was Friedmann who said that the universe is not static and in fact in 1922, several years before Hubble’s discovery, he predicted what exactly Hubble has found.
What is Big Bang? It is in short, the explosion of the universe from a singularity which contains infinite mass and infinity density which lead to the creation of today’s universe. Since I have been talking that there was no time before this big bang. Time originated with the Big Bang.
The fundamental source for the gravity is produced by graviton which has a miraculous property. This property (though assumption) is contradicting to the Newton’s ideas of gravity. Newton told in his Universal Gravitational Law that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. But here today, after Edwin Hubble’s conclusion, we know that the universe is expanding, but the expending speed has a kind of character, that the receding speed is facilitated by the increasing distance. If this is so, then the gravity has both the properties of contraction and expansion.
Explosion or Creation?
The Big Bang model that attempts to explain the origin and structure of the universe incorporates the talents of many individuals through the course of more than 150 years of study. Many times facing opposition similar to that of Galileo and Copernicus, these cosmologists used a deductive approach in solving the greatest question in the history of science. The findings and observations of these eminent scholars forced them to draw the conclusions they arrived at. Every prediction that quantum physics and the theories of relativity have made regarding the origin and the state of the universe have been observed and confirmed and/or not proven to be false. That is in essence the reason we have arrived at this cosmology, fully confident that our science and technology can look back in time 15 billion years and see the birth of our universe. The birth: Quite a different kind of birth as we do give. Everything is not same to us. So the birth of everything might also not be same to us.
Now this is a big and heard question to convince some body. According to the very facts from the universal balanced forces all the way from macro to micro we know that there is a design in every natural thing. What it indicates was the one who created this has done a perfect job in a miraculous way: exploding. What we define explosion results in breaking out of something in to waste. But here God exploded universe to create things. It might be a difficult thing to understand in our limited brain. But anyhow for sure, we are… “Created”. The universe is…. created though our imagination did not reach the complexity of the creation of the universe.
My mind says about this just without speaking much on this topic is, that God might cause this to happen so that someone on some day knows that there is a logical prove of the universe. If God spread the galaxies or whatever in this universe in their position, then obviously without questioning further, the Science of the universe fails. At least the science of astronomy would fail. Secondly, God might create this universe in a Bang so that it exactly matches the science in every age. So that a proved science cannot go against his creation.
Why Are We Here? & Where Are We From?
Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is where we came from and what is our ultimate fate? Every culture in every age has asked this question and tried to answer. It is one of the greatest adventurous of the human mind to find out where we came from, where we are and of course in the end where we are going? Among the scientific fields astronomy gave a clue to this question. As I said before, the universe is some way or the other is going to face an end as it has begun. If so the human race will die. The only way for us to live be to escape from this universe to somewhere else, may be another universe. But is there any other universe??? There is not even a doubtful answer given to this question as far I could know from astronomical physics. Reason is that the universe where we are in is so big. How big? We don’t know. Moreover, can we EVER go out from this universe though our ages to be of thousands of years? NO.
Once Edwin Hubble said that he sent out a light signal from his telescope seventeen years ago and in those seventeen years the light signal he sent out has not hit an object in space and bounced back. Consider the speed of the light nearly 3 108 meters per second. Calculating the distance of the whole voyage of this light it gives as follows:
3 108 meters traveled in one second 60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 365 days 17 years. Imagine where could that light be right then?
Therefore the question rises here is in fact, why this universe is so big and why God has created such a universe and also what is the purpose of all that is contained within this entire universe?
The running time searches…
You may criticize what I tell but let me tell you one big truth that most of us, of course know, though don’t want to know. We are since as I mentioned before, getting older as everything on the earth perishes we also are going to be perished one day. Do you believe that you are getting older day by day? Like that do you think that your day on here is going to end some or the other? Alike don’t you know that year by year your death is approaching you?
In fact, if so happens, will you be happy if someone strange comes to you with the news that you are going to die the very next day, or week or may be the next month? Of course you won’t. So why are you celebrating Birthdays. Is that you are happy to be dead soon???
So how come we all, celebrate birth days with uttermost happiness? This question raced in my mind for several years since my mom told me when I asked that I too needed to celebrate what you today celebrate. After reading this too, I guess still you continue to do that unless and until you all die.
As Hubble said the age of the universe can be found by the inverse of his constant. I wonder how far this equation is satisfied. Anyhow this suggests another point for me that scientists somehow believe that our universe had passed some ages in its voyage. My intension is not criticizing any one though it’s difficult to find the age of the universe by Hubble’s method.
Hubble, after his successful work, he after giving the Hubble’s constant from a unanimous graph. Do you know how much the constant is true? He did it with 50% uncertainty. I remember me giving an answer to my physics Miss, while she after giving a lecture about the universe and the Hubble’s graph, I just made a criticize saying that we, referring to my fellow students, could find a better result with 100% uncertainty. What made me to criticize then was that 50% uncertainty. No problem. Miss answered me back saying yes. But yet there were no results that even came to 50% uncertainty. The best of which even came to 60 and 70 percentage uncertainty. Well. Hubble was amazing though.
Fate of the Universe
When I was searching through internet, I saw one interesting answer for a question someone asked. What he asked was “Will it be a Big Crunch or will it be expanding forever?” The answer given was “we breathe in (the universe contracts) and as we breathe out (the universe expands) and you don’t worry because it will not be crunched within 100 or even 100,000 years.”
Now, we have come to a conclusion that the universe had a beginning however, now the scientists have another argument. The argue on the fate of the universe is that will the universe end or will it remain same or what is going to be happened in the next phase of the plane of god’s artistry. Now, searching for the second half of the 20th century, scientists had done numerous temperature calculations of the universe [which can be measured by cosmology]. From their conclusions we know that the universe had a temperature descendent since very before and had come to a constant level at last. This tells that the decrease in temperature means the universe (again) is expanding. In the other result, it says that the constant in temperature means the universe is now at a constant phase or it has stopped expanding.
Some scientists believe that the universe will expand and come to a certain level of expansion after which it will be still moving within itself but not being expanded away outward as time passes. Here the theory goes as such the universe had a beginning but no end.

But contradicting to the above assumption most of the scientists believe that there will be a Big Crunch too. Even I too believe it true. The reason is that according to the aforementioned results and facts found by the science up to today, everything within the frame of time, must get older day by day and hence it must get some weakness eventually has to have an end too. Every beginning must have an end. Reason is that a begin began a time too. We born, our times run and become child, young, adult, and gets older and eventually die. This natural formula is written for everything we see around the universe. None as far I know is recorded as far which does not fit this formula. The object that will never be perished will be this universe (as a whole) if so. But still it goes on and not static.
The other fact of this was given by the 20th century prominent physicist Max Plank, after his tremendous effort to quantum physics. In his theories it is given by the fact about the working principle of black holes. A black hole is formed by deaths of symmetrical star which crumple inside in to one dark hole of infinite density. Its density even is so high that it pulls its outermost layer towards inside resulting to a singularity. After that the astronomy again tells us that the universe is losing many masses and this masses have changed its shape as given by the equation E = mc2 and is rotating within the galaxies in our universe. The principle of black hole is same as that of the black body. A person who is foolish enough to jump over it will never come back. Even the light falling on it will not come back. Therefore the black hole cannot be seen. It is completely dark. But its gravitational energy is so high and goes on ranges across the distances. If this is true, then, it is not a problem to be colliding against other masses (including stars and planets) within its gravitational influence and if this happen then the density again will be increased and it will facilitate for another collision against another even bigger planet or star. It also says that there are many black holes and if in fact it is to be true, then creating a Big Crunch is not doubtful since the universe has a shape and a design. According to this fact, the graph now is drawn in the graph above:
According to this theory the Universe had a beginning, and also will be having an end.
In other suspicion it is said that the miraculous property of graviton which some of the astronomers had found. In accordance with the Hubble’s researches the further the galaxies, stars or planets, the higher the recession velocity and the nearer the planets, stars or the galaxies the slower the speed of receding has been seen. Which means that the gravitational forces has a unique another character from which the shape of the universe cannot be predicted with an end rather it will go on expanding and reaches to an infinite speed upon which it may probably lose the shape of the universe and eventually it may be ‘undefined’ irregular shape. The graphical representation of this suspicious is as follows in [fig 1]: according to this view of universe there is no end to the universe or if there is an end, scientifically it is hard to prove or therefore it goes to mystery. And the other graph [fig 2] shows that the universe had a beginning but expands rapidly to a certain point and stops for steady expansion. These both curves indicate that the universe will never end.
But as far I mentioned before, I cannot agree on this suspect since the universe itself is within the frame of time. Therefore the beginning of the universe will in all its probability will see an end too. Not exactly I alone disagree with this theory, but most of the scientists rely on somehow the universe will have an end. But contradicting to this idea, scientific experiments of the 20th century finding out the temperature of the universe gave another answer to the fate of the universe. That’s since the very beginning the temperature of the universe is reducing. This reducing temperature is caused by expansion. If the graphs shown here were correct, then the very next most probability is that our universe will cool down and one day it will be doomed to death.
Here, I don’t say that the universe will have an end as it is given in the GRAPH: 1. But I of course agree that the universe will have an end sometimes as it has to be.
Amazing Position of the Globe: Habitual Zone
On summer 1977 launched the twin space craft’s in to outer space with a primary destination of the 4 major planets in our solar system. Among thousands of pictures of planets perhaps the most memorable recorded was on 14th of February 1990 when one of them reached at the edge of the solar system and directed towards the sun.
As we all believe in all the universal objects within all the references either by physical or chemical or biological the objects in the complete universe gets older time to time. Likewise of human, we become weaker as we grow older, the universe is too giving symptoms of this. Just seeing to this globe gives enough evidences that the globe is now experiencing the olden days upon which there are number of scientifically proved evidences and the calamities in its frequent from the beginning of human mind about the history of this home globe until today we know that the natural calamities are more frequent in this age. What does this mean? In short, we are getting doomed to die so does the earth too.
The Copernican paradigm in the concept of earth and its significance was popularized during the 1970s and 80s by the late astronomer Carl Sagan's in his book wrote:
“Because of the reflection of sunlight the earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light as if there were some special significance to this small world… Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark”
After 80 years of the revolutionized works of Edwin Hubble, today’s science rise up to one big yet a fundamental question that the earth and the life in its state exists without purpose or significance in the universe. Who has created this globe and wasted it without a purpose?
Today’s astronomy amazes about the position of the earth in this solar system in the universe within billions and billions of stars and planets. Men have worked lot to search for any life within their reach or even away. However, for days, still science is not able to write in its pen with confidence about a planet which has the very fundamental need for living beings, water and yet even other raw materials like earth does have. Today’s science even says that our globe is revolving around the Sun in a particular band name you may call the life band or the habitable zone. If the earth happens to go beyond either nearby or away from Sun lead to its loss in life.
My question here is why this greatly designed planet in the universe is also been the best planet in the universe to make scientific experiments. It cannot be in a chance. Even Darwin said that he did not believe in the evolution hypothesis but he used that hypothesis because it seemed to help him.
In the following website gave an answer to this question which found appealing to me.
Q: Why are there so many planets in the Solar System?
A: Isn't just one planet (Earth) all we need? Doesn't it seem like a waste of space and materials to have all those other barren worlds? Well, not if those worlds are players in the games of life and scientific discovery. In The Privileged Planet, we discuss how the other planets serve as Earth's protectors while at the same time helping us in our quest to learn about the nature of the cosmos.
Means planets were created for reasons and not illogical.
However in all the documents and the documentaries related to the universe so far I met ends with a big question “what is the purpose of us being here and what is the source of the cosmos or a question regarding this” well the answer I will mention at the end as far my knowledge.
If you need to know more about this amazement, visit:
It Is Energy: Which Is Eternal
The scientists before and early 19th century thought energy in terms of forces which are different from each other. The overarching principle of unifying energy was revealed by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday after his experiment somewhere on 1821. This young handsome man educated himself being never attended to any classes except the lectures of some scientists within his reach. In the early 1800’s scientists were the ‘pop-stars’ of the day which led Faraday to get interest in science. After since, science developed rapidly up to the end of the 20th century.
Now we know that this universe was not existed always. History began with the universe. Something which has born must even… get old and die.
First law of thermodynamics confirms this by saying that “energy, can neither be created nor be destroyed. But it can be changed or transformed from one form in to another”. Now regarding to what I have been talking about the universe under “Time: can it be referred to the outside universe…?”. The answer which most of us would give was as I mentioned nothing. But yet according to what I understood from this law, if it is true it is the energy that existed for ever without being perished. No one ever said that energy is not perpetual. My only question to the reader is where does this energy originated? There must be the same or other kind of energy in the outside universe either still or at least before the existence of the universe. Now let us think about what form the energy could be originated. Or what is the most fundamental form of energy in the universe.
If there is a form of energy, of course it has to be, would be the strongest thing which we could ever imagine. How? Because it is understandable that the energy which lead to the creation of masses within the infinitely huge universe must have enough energy to produce it though if it has no power to create more energy itself.
God And Energy:
Define Energy:
Energy can be neither created
Nor destroyed
Always exist and always present in some form or the other
Never can be created or destroyed
Always exist and never gets ruined
Are they same???
Light: the Fundamental form of Energy: E = mc2
Well. This is an interesting headline for all of the high school physics students. But I do not know whether I can judge it rightly. This is one of the marvelous equation and being perhaps the most expansive famous equation of the world authored by a Patent Clark officer, a German born scientist: Albert Einstein.
The equation is astonishingly valuable in various ways and for me the equation looks much different in the way that you understand.
Firstly, the author of the equation was the first one who objected that the concept of everything should not be related. He rather proved them wrong just of 25 years age explaining the concept of relativity in to the physics world. He said that the energy and the mass are inter-related.
Secondly for me, this equation basically defines God and the form of God: light.
E = mc2 the equation in one of its form talks about the matters in all respects. On accordance with this equation, what is matter? Matter can be defined as the condensation of vast amounts of energy which resulted in the formation of an element of much smaller thing than that which basically brings about to the fundamentals of everything in this Universe. So, if this is true then this energy that forms matter has a relation with light since c2 = E/m, where c is the speed of light. Hence the light is responsible for the creation of the matters, in other words, The Universe. The explosion of the universe from a singularity as we day to day life seems to be spherical. But do the universe exploded towards one direction or it is as same as spherical?
In any argument, I can safely suggest is that light plays an important role in creation of matter. In this equation Energy and the mass is a directly proportional which gives a constant of proportionality c2 without which the equation gets incomplete. It is the equation which said about the beginning of the universe, the Bang and with the help of astronomy it even helped to suggest how this universe will be “tomorrow”.
If you need to refer to this equation, visit: and watch the documentary “E = mc2” for more information.
The Source of Light:
Now all the way from the beginning to the end of the existence of everything we came to a conclusion that we are in somehow progressing our lifetime with unity in every objects in the universe. Looking in an advanced perspective on to this universe, there is nothing that can be called the source of light that can be scientifically predicted within this universe. Reason is that only very few objects of the universe seem to be luminous ever science has discovered yet. However, we cannot predict them to be the source of what is called to be the framer of the matters. There are two major reasons why we cannot predict them to be the source of the light for the entire universe.
1) They are losing out light in the form of heat and light. In an every second our sun in our solar system is losing out 100 million tones of light. This is not a little bit of energy, this energy is enough to glow our solar system with heat and light. So in short, Sun is releasing, means there will be exhaustion in the sun.
2) There is no proved evidence that they were existing before the big bang and too scientifically speaking, the end must have a beginning either for them.
Another probability is Cepheid star which exists at the middle of the galaxies. A Cepheid is usually a population-I giant yellow star, pulsing regularly by expanding and contracting, resulting in a regular oscillation of its luminosity. The luminosity of Cepheid stars range from 103 to 104 times that of the Sun. Here the Cepheid Star is belonging from one spiral galaxy. So how many Cepheid stars are there within the universe? Of course the Cepheid cannot be predicted to the source since it is belonging to one galaxy and has nothing to do with other galaxies.
There are other luminous number of stars in the universe which glow themselves but have nothing to do with the other stars and planets. They are somehow created by someone to distribute the energies by means of light to its prescribed area in the universe. This means the science so far has not given a proved light source contributing light for the entire system of universe in a single entity. Therefore the question arises here. Where could the light been from. Hence the science and its all experiments, demonstrations have to be silent. The whole of the human thinking about the universe has changed with the question. Where the source is from? Who could have been the source of the mankind? With the signs of every scientific fact, what is the actual prediction that gives about the spiritual of the human kind? And perhaps the One or the Many who created this universe has or have a purpose, if so, what is his purpose of this universe?
If there could be a source, then with most probably the source of this universe has created this universe with an infinite intelligence since us, with uttermost advanced technologies we are still nearly unable to think about the very next neighboring planets. So how difficult it would be to think about the complete Solar System and more than that, the entire galaxy and far beyond of that even about the entire Universe. Therefore he, the existed one should have to put a purpose in the life structure of the universe since it could be for him to be inconvenient to play a game with the universe for which we can eventually be predicted the source as the God. For a characteristic of a God, playing dice as Einstein said with the universe is far crazy as he must have to have logic in everything and must be perfect in everything. Therefore the very next question following this arises, “why we are here then? What is the purpose of the God to send us?”
In front of our mankind two things are non deceptive. They are
i) Those that happens clearly in front of our naked eyes.
ii) And those that are proved by science.
You may ask this question, that not everything that happens in front of us is true. They might include deceptions too. Yes of course I do agree with you in a great respect. But those things that happens to be deceptive or what we call fake are from human kind themselves. Not by nature. Nature did never deceive us throughout the life history. Likewise the science has too sometimes given wrong predictions to the natural phenomenon. But here what I talk is about the facts that have proved so far.
There are two major different sciences. One is science of truths and the other is the science that talks about illogical things upon which most of the scientists are still thinking on and wasting their time. The folk science what I talk about is the theory of the Evolution which revolutionized the humankind since very before. But of course, as far I believe that today, science has proved one big fact that “We need to think that the life has a meaning & everything is governed by logic & not by mere chance”
My work in this book is not again to fight against Darwinism. However, my point in here is that still the science has failed to give the fact of creation by evolution though this theory of Darwin has been the very first theory brought to human. According to Darwin, the word “accident/chance” may even be the name of God(s) either for which I of course believe you will never agree. Besides, he himself did say that he did not agree upon the theory of evolution. He supposed them true as it was some way helping him to improve his scientific knowledge. Obviously he could not say that it is true. His knowledge was far back than today’s development of complex technologies.
Who is Light?
It is not unreasonable to think that the energy which I have been talking about since beginning of this book came from the God Almighty. However, this energy as I have proved is lights itself. “God is Light or a form of light” and therefore everything is God’s or belonging to God. Not that everything is God.
What we can understand from here is that there should be a God, a one God to whom we should bow our heads in order to respect. If there are many Gods then they too are God’s or belonging to him and not equal to him. This simply means there are none like Him.
But so far, I have come here with this unanswered hypothesis or whatever it might be. God is a form of light. But my question here is… can we really find this fact by science? Hopefully not. Not more than what I have mentioned from the ideas of physics.
Well. We have arrived that “There Is a God” Or “There are Gods”. And He or They are a form of light in some way or the other. The next questions are yet to be answered.
What Is the Purpose of Us Being Here?
There is a God, as we know here by now. Then so why are we here?. Assume we don’t know why we are here. Of course I don’t know myself, we I have been sent. I once thought about this question. “Why God send me, a new me, who has very different ideas and hopes, and the password of every intension within my heart, is in my own hands? Why didn’t God send somebody else in placement of me rather than this me?” this question haunted me for a very long time. Why did he do this? I know not. And you also did not know.
Anyway, one thing I know is, if he sent me, I have to live according to what I supposed to be. Well, what is that supposed way? That too, I have no idea for. What I know is IF I have built something for a purpose, I will have a rule or a function for it to work. This term, the “way” I will define as “The total submission to the will of God who created me” or in one word “The Religion”. Ohh. I have derived a big question again. Which is that religion? My answer for which is any. As long as that is the religion from God.
Now let us think about this God, who is he?
Characteristics of God
Now, we know that there is a God. Now we have to find who that God is. This is a big question yet to know in this book. Now still I remember that we at the beginning of this book made an assumption that we both were not believed in God. However, no other option we have now except to believe that there is a God when we reach here. Yet we do not know how the God is like. Now let us discus how our God must be like. Remember that we both are challenging each other to characterize your God and my God. Whose God must be best…?
After you think a bit, I suppose your outcome would be same as mine too. If you and I make a challenge to define my God and you, your God, who could be the best, the most probable characters of him you and I would say could be as follows:
a) He should be the most powerful. Or his power should dominate everything
b) He should have infinite knowledge over everything
c) He shall be Unique: Very unique.
d) He must be perfect: in all aspect
e) He should do things for logically acceptable
f) He cannot be challenged by anything and anyone.
g) Everything has to be created, accept him.
h) He shall have no beginning and no end.
i) He shall be the mightiest.
j) Humble, tolerating … the Only Perfect One.
k) And one last thing I would say is, whatever your mind brings you on the positive best characters, this God is the owner of that character. Or in short, to him all the beautiful name belongs.
-Is my God is greater than yours or yours is much greater?-
I urged you to read and watch or just have a look on the things that I have posted here: The reference links. They are very hopefully helpful to you in your life even. Also, it is vital to understand about what I have written in this book. I as before have not gone deep in to any topic. You do not need to be an expert physicist to see the following links. However it still helps you to know how today science is seeking about this globe and this universe.
1. A brief History of Time – by Stephen Hawking
2. Einstein’s E= mc2 Documentary and the web links
3. Modern Physics for non-scientists – by Professor Richard Wolfson
4. “The miracle in an atom”- by Harun Yahya
5. “Creation of the Universe” Documentary
6. “The privileged planet - Earth” Documentary
7. ‘The secret beyond the matter” Documentary
8. “The universe in the beginning” – Stephen Hawking
9. “Quantum physics and consciousness connected” Documentary
10. “The Secret” – Self motivational documentary
14. The holy book of Muslims Qur’an
15. The holy book of Christianity
The Best Religion I have seen which is logical and within the reach of the human complex mind:
1. What is the purpose of this life?
Atheism: To live the maximum you can live. Because there is no life here after
Hindhuism: To live a great life as an example to others and gain the love of God. There is
Christianity: To live a life loving others and loving Jesus
Islam: From the Qur’an :”Wama Khalaq’tul Jinn Wal Ins Illa liya’ub’doon”
“Verily I have never created the Jinn and Human, except to worship me”
2. Is there any life after this?
Atheism:Obviously NO
Hinduism: No
Christianity: yes
Islam: Obviously yes
3. What do you think about a life hereafter?
Ans: It is an imperfection of God if there is no life hereafter. Because, in this world, all the human beings are not bestowed with equal richness. If we aren’t equal rich, there must be a day we have to de testified. And if we lived worshipping him much difficulties than the rich who also believe in God, we must get double reward than them or alike.
4. Is God Light or a Form of Light?
Hinduism: we actually don’t know the ans to the point
Christianity: No God created light. Read Genesis verse 3 from chapter 1
Islam: YES. It is said in the Qur’an. He also said that he is the source of all that in the heavens and the earth (Universe).
Therefore, I have to say "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammdhu ar-Rasoolullah Ash'hadhu Anla ilaha illahlaahu wa ash'hadh anna Muhammadhun Rasoolullah Salla-Allah 'alaihi wasallam" I know I cannot escape from this world to live somewhere out from his creation, leaving behind his provision. So if I use that which he bestowed me, I HAVE TO WORSHIP HIM.
God Exist???
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